What different kind of black tulips are there?

Everything You Need To Know About Black Tulip Flowers
Tulips are one of the most exotic flowers used for bouquets and flower arrangements. These bulb-like blooms are available in various bright colours, making them a treat to the eyes.
One of the rare varieties of tulips is black tulips. Black tulips are not perfect black as they are thought to be. These flowers are a mixture of dark maroon, purple and vine red that appears to the black in colour.
There are different varieties of black tulips cultivated by farmers. Each variety is unique, making them stand out from the rest.
Which are the different varieties of black tulips?
- Queen of the night
The queen of the night tulips closely resembles its name. This type of tulip is tall and graceful and has a classic appearance. They grow well in a sunny area with well-drained soil. You can also plant this under a deciduous tree. The plant grows to a height of 24-26 inches.
The best way to grow the queen of the night is to combine them with tulips of other contrasting shades like red and yellow. The queen of the night is considered one of the darkest varieties of tulips.
- Black parrot
The black parrot tulips combine dark burgundy, cream and black colours perfectly. The beautiful colour combination makes them an ideal cut flower for bouquets. This variety of tulips got its name from beak-like buds and feathery petals. The flower appears mainly during the late spring.
The black parrot is ideally a symphony of colours, with burgundy being the most prominent colour. Thus, you can plant this variety alone as an accent colour.
- Black hero
The abundance of petals makes the black hero tulip stand out. This variety of tulips has a deep purple-black colour and a wine-red shade. It is also called double late tulip and has a long-lasting bloom. The peculiarity of black hero tulips is that it closely resembles peonies.
The dark shade and double bloom make them a great addition to your garden. You can also use them as cut flowers. The black hero blooms during the late blooming season of the tulips.
- Ronaldo tulip
The Ronaldo tulip is a dark purple variety with a smoky bloom. The tulip has a sturdy stem that can withstand rain and wind. The Ronaldo tulips grow to a height of 18-20 inches and bloom during the mid to late spring. The tulips grow well in full sun with richly fertile and well-drained soil.
- Vincent Van Gogh tulip
This beautiful tulip is named after the famous Dutch artist Vincent Van Gogh. The tulip comes in a classic egg shape and is intensely dark in colour. The highlight of the tulip is the fringed petals that make them stand out. The flower's deep violet interior turns dark purple-red towards the edges.
- Continental tulip
The Continental tulip ia dark maroon-purple tulip with a dark stem. The plant grows to a height of 40 cm with the bulb in 11-12 cm size. The tulips require full sun and fertile, well-drained soil for their lush growth. The continental tulip mainly blooms during April and May.
Black tulips are a rare variety of tulips that are not readily available in Dubai. Like most tulips, you should plant the black tulips during the fall or late summer season. While planting, you should space them between 3-5 inches so that there is enough space to grow. Also, planting them 5-7 inches deep is best to prevent them from being uprooted in rain or wind.